5 Simple Phrases that Will Make Your Husband Feel Loved

Mitzi Bockmann
6 min readJul 15, 2022

There are so many articles written about what wives need to stay happy but rarely do we talk about what to do to make your husband feel loved.

It’s not that husbands aren’t important. It’s just that the old adage ‘a happy wife means happy household’ is very important to men. And the adage is accurate so they work hard to do what they need to do to keep their household happy.

And one of the things they do is to ignore their own needs and ask very little of their wives. And doing that over a long period of time can lead to their own unhappiness and resentment and can cause a marriage to really struggle.

So, ladies, it’s time to learn 5 simple phrases that will make your husband feel loved so that you can use them and keep your marriage a happy one.

#1 — Thank you.

When we are raising our kids, us moms are always super busy. And not just with kid stuff. We also get involved with work, fundraisers and other school activities that take a lot of time, time away from our families. And when we are gone, our husbands have to pick up the slack.

I remember in the middle of a fall fair that my friend and I had organized, I ran into her husband and their three kids. The kids were young and hard to manage and he looked…



Mitzi Bockmann
Mitzi Bockmann

Written by Mitzi Bockmann

I’m a certified NYC based Life and Love Coach who works with people to help them find, and keep, happiness and love.

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