5 Things Men Look For In Someone Who is Marriage Material

Mitzi Bockmann
8 min readNov 27, 2022

I know that, for many women, knowing what men look for in someone who is marriage material is confounding.

We hear stories all the time about men who are in long term relationships with someone they aren’t ready to marry. And then they break up and he marries the next woman who comes along.

What is up with that?

We all know exactly what women want — love, stability, romance, laughter, etc — but I had no idea what a guy really wants in a relationship — things that, if they are missing, are deal breakers.

To figure out the answer to this question, I reached out to some guy friends and clients to see if they could shed some light on the topic.

What was amazing was that the guys said mostly the same things (except for a few outliers who went a bit off the rails) and those things were a little surprising so I thought I would share them here with you today.

Here are 5 things men look for in someone who is marriage material.

# 1 — A sense of adventure.

I know — this first thing is kind of intimidating but, rest assured, ‘adventure’ means different things to different people.



Mitzi Bockmann

I’m a certified NYC based Life and Love Coach who works with people to help them find, and keep, happiness and love.