Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party RelationshipThe 5 Stages of Grief that Happen After the End of a Marriage and How to Get Through ThemOver the dozen years that I have been a life coach, and as I have lived my life, I have come to learn that going through the end of a…2d ago22d ago2
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Reasons Dating a Married Man Who is Separated is a Huge Waste of TimeAfter all, his marriage is over — why not?Jan 294Jan 294
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Psychological Facts about Toxic Marriages that Nearly Everyone Misses7 Psychological Facts about Toxic Marriages that Nearly Everyone MissesJan 272Jan 272
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Truths About Your Married Man’s Marriage You Don’t Want to HearOne thing that every single one of my clients who is having an affair with a married man talks about is how their man’s marriage is a…Jan 2219Jan 2219
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship9 Ways You Can Reinvent Yourself After a Devastating Divorce9 Ways You Can Reinvent Yourself After DivorceJan 19Jan 19
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Steps Couples Must Take to Rebuild Trust After He Cheated and Save Their RelationshipMany people reach out to me wondering if they can ever rebuild trust with their partner after he cheated.Jan 15Jan 15
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party RelationshipGoing through a Breakup? 7 Ways to Emotionally Detach to Get Through it.There is nothing worse than a broken heart.Jan 12Jan 12
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Ways to End the Cycle of Break Ups with Your Married Man and This Time Make It StickEvery day I talk to clients who are trying, and failing, to break up with their married man and make it stick.Jan 8Jan 8
7 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Special in 2025If you are like many men, one of your resolutions might be to make your wife feel special in 2025. After all, another year has passed and…Jan 5Jan 5
Published inUnfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship7 Reasons Why My Client Couldn’t Leave Her Married Man and How She Finally DidI have been working with a client for quite a while now because she is having an affair with a married man, and she can’t let him go. She…Jan 13Jan 13